Being a police officer is one of the most difficult, yet one of the most rewarding occupations there is. There are many scenarios that could happen on the first day on the job. These wishes would help to comfort and support rookie police officers on their first day on the job.

- I love and support you and I know you will be able to handle anything that comes your way.
- I know that you’re nervous about your first day of work, but don’t be. I know you’re great at this, and you’ll do fantastic. So, relax and enjoy your first day on the job!
- You are now an official part of our force protecting the people of this city, and I am honored to be the one making that official. You will do a great job working on behalf of these people.
- Have an awesome time in the big city. Make sure you’re careful there. Have fun in your new home. Always remember that wherever you go, I will always be nearby.
- Have an awesome life, an awesome career, and I’m so excited that you’re starting with one of the best police departments in the country. I know you’ll do an awesome job.
- I wish you the best on your big day! I love you very much, and I know you will be just fine. The world needs officers like you. Protect and serve.
- This is so exciting. I can’t wait to see you start this new chapter. It’s going to be amazing! Where you go, excellence follows. Keep putting in the effort, always be safe, and it will all pay off with a great career ahead of you.
- I am so proud of you. You have worked so hard for this, and I know that it is going to be a great career. I look forward to seeing all of the fun and exciting adventures ahead of you.
- Today is your first day as a police officer, and I am so proud of you. Be brave. Be smart. You will do a great job. Our city needs officers like you.
- Now you have finished your training and become a certified officer today, congratulations and be aware of all of your rights and responsibilities. You will be a great cop and a great person.
- On your first day, you are armed with the knowledge that you are there to protect the people of the city, and that is an honor that you never forget.
- You are joining a great team. The men and women of this department give 100% each day, and it shows. Even when they make mistakes, they learn from them. They take the hard knocks, and they charge forward. That is the attitude you will take.
- We are so proud of you. And so excited for you. Have an awesome job. You are going to have a very long career ahead of you. Congratulations!
- I am so proud of what you have achieved. You have a promising career ahead of you. I know you will do a great job. I know that your police force will put you to good use. I love you.
- You are now a police officer, and today is the day that everything changes. I am so happy that you accepted this important position. You will do an amazing job.
- You will not only be protecting the cities but their citizens as well. I know you will do an outstanding job!
- Congratulations today is the day for you, and you will do an amazing job! I support you and know that you will do great.
- You will have a long and rewarding career ahead of you. I know that you will do a great job. I love you son.
- Congratulations on your new career. This is a very important job, and you will do a great job. I am very proud of you.

- Congratulations on your new career. I know that you will do a great job.
- Always remember to protect the innocent, enforce the rules, and be ethical! You are an upstanding citizen that will do good work for the city.
- I am very proud of you, your dedication, and your strength. Remember that you are the thin blue line between civilization and chaos.
- You have trained for this for so long, and you are ready. Go out there and give this job everything you got.
- You will be a great police officer. Do what you can on the job. Get some good experience, and you will be a great officer.
- You will do a great job, and I know that from twenty years of knowing you. Keep your head on straight, and remember to always help others.
- You are bound for great things in your career. Good luck in the future as a police officer.
- It is so hard to believe you are now a police officer. You always dreamed of this day and now it’s here. You have been a police officer that can protect the city and the people. Congratulations!