Happy Birthday in Heaven Daughter

20 Happy Birthday in Heaven Daughter – Heavenly Messages

Happy Birthday in Heaven Daughter: Having a daughter is an amazing gift to parents, she holds a very special position in the heart of every parent even when they are no longer there. Today is her birthday, you miss her even worse on this special day. Please relax, you will find peace finally when you know she is happy living in heaven. Send her a birthday card with words you want to tell her, talk with her a little while just like she is still here with you. You will feel better.

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What Do You Say on a Dead Daughter’s Birthday?

  • Dear, today is your birthday, my baby is no longer with us, I want you to know that I will always love you with all my heart, soul, and with God’s help someday we will be with you again. You are always in my heart. I thank you for being with us for that long time, I will never forget you. Have fun in heaven, Happy birthday baby. Mommy loves you.
  • I wish you were here with me, you were such a good girl, an angel so beautiful and full of charisma, you loved to help people, you are a wonderful daughter if a mother could wish for, a fantastic sister for your sisters. Happy birthday, my dear, we all miss you and love you.
  • Happy Birthday, sweetheart. I will always cherish you, you are so precious to me even though you are not with me anymore. My lovely daughter, you will always be my girl, I will always love you always no matter if you are here or in heaven. Be blessed, my daughter. I love you.
  • Happy birthday, my dear [name], today is the first of your birthday that you are not with us, it is hard for us, but we all know you live happier and more loved in heaven. I hope you like the card we made for you, we wanted it to be colorful, cheerful, we love you and we will always be with you. You are part of our world, you will always be with us.
  • Dearest [name], even though you are not with us anymore I feel you are here with me in my heart, in my soul, in my nights when I dream, when I miss you the most. I want you to know you are not forgotten by any of us. We all love you, your brother and sisters, I miss you, my love, I love you always. Happy Birthday.
  • Sweetheart, we are all very sad you are not here with us to blow the birthday candle, you like the chocolate birthday cake I made for you when you were little, remember? It was your favorite, I promise to always make you good memories to cherish when I remember you. I miss you, my baby, I love you, I always will.

How Do You Say Happy Birthday to Your Daughter in Heaven?

  • The day is your birthday, I miss you so much, I want to celebrate it with you but you are not here with us anymore, you are in heaven with the angels, still I want to wish you a very happy birthday in heaven. The card is for you, I hope you like it.
  • Dear, happy birthday, you are my angel, although you are not with me anymore, I am sure you are an angel of god now. You are with him, in paradise, you are with the other angels, I hope you are very happy there, I love you forever.
  • Happy Birthday, my daughter, you are my greatest gift, my perfection, you are all that I live for, I miss you so much, every day for me it is hard to be without you. You are always in my heart.
  • Happy Birthday, dear. We love you so much. There is no one that can replace you, no one that can make us happy the way you did, you are always in my heart. We miss you and love you forever.
  • I can’t believe you are not here with us today, to blow the birthday candle with me, give me a chance to wish you a happy birthday, and to help you blow the candle. I can’t tell in words that how painful it is on this special day without you. I miss you so much. Happy birthday to you, my darling. The only thing I can do for you now is wishing you happiness in heaven.
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  • Dear [name], another one of your birthday is coming, your son grows very well, I just can’t believe you are not with us anymore to hug and kiss him. You were such a good mommy, you were such a good wife and such a good daughter. I will always love you, my love. Happy birthday to you, my precious child.
  • Dear, you are with me now in my heart, you are forever with me. I can’t imagine I will ever be away from you. Happy birthday, my darling.

Birthday Wishes for Deceased Daughter

  • Hello [name], today is your birthday. I hope I am able to talk with you, to hug you, I miss you, my dear, I miss you so much, you are our angel. People say that angels do not cry, so please be happy in heaven. Heaven is lucky to have you, so were we. We were very lucky to have you for a good time on earth. I love you, Happy birthday, sweetheart.
  • Happy birthday, my dear, I thank God for sending your mom here on earth to us, you were a blessing from heaven, you were royalty. You were a wonderful child, a fantastic sister, a fantastic friend, you were everything to me.
  • Having you as a daughter is a blessing, we will always love you. You will always be our angel, we will always be with you as your family. Happy birthday, my dearest.
  • This will always be a special day for us, dear. We all will remember you, you will always be with us, even above heaven. We miss you, you are always remembered every day especially on this day – your birthday. Happy birthday, my dearest girl.
  • Happy birthday, sweetheart. You are our life, you are always in our hearts, we will always be with you, you have accepted God as your father, I do what I can to be with you. I love you.
  • Dear My Daughter, Halloween is approaching, it always happens at the end of October. You are a fairy princess who likes to wear the most beautiful things for this very special day, not only are you beautiful but also very intelligent. Your birthday candles are lit today, I send you happy birthday wishes and hope that you are doing well. All of us at home are feeling you near us, happy birthday dear.
  • My Dear Daughter, the holiday season is the time of the year when you are being remembered the most. These are the days when you are the most missed, the brightest stars are in the sky when you are at school. I miss watching movies with you when I was at home, dad misses your voice when you are asleep. The Christmas tree is lit, feeling sad without you. Happy birthday, please be in peace in heaven.
  • Today is your birthday, my dear. I have spent the whole day looking at the photos, memorize the good happy days, wishing I could have spent more of these days with you. I miss you so much, my dear. I can’t hold myself from talking with you, from seeing you, from being with you more. How I want to hug you, hold you in my arm once more!

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