New Year Wishes For Writers: Some of the most popular ways to start a new year involve resolutions. This is where we promise changes in our life, such as diabetics promising to eat healthier and those who usually drink alcohol trying not to. But what about those ones who enjoy writing? How can we set goals for ourselves as writers and hopefully start this new year off on the right foot? Well, there’s no need for resolutions or goals, because you can just use these New Year Wishes For Writers.

New Year Wishes For Writers
- Happy new year, may the words flow smoothly out of your pen/keyboard in a torrent of creativity.
- Your page will be filled with words of beauty, for you are a beacon of inspiration to your readers.
- You’ve worked hard this year to make your dreams come true,
- May you create something that will inspire anyone who reads it in the new year, and beyond.
- You have a never-ending flow of creativity and inspiration to pour out into the world, happy new year, may you have a very productive year.
- I pray for you to never lose your passion for writing, and that you continue to inspire others with your endless imagination.
- You have been blessed with a gift of words that can create fantasy worlds in the minds of those who read, keep creating in the new year.
- May your stories be read by many people and inspire them, happy new year my friend.
- You and your stories are like the warm and fluffy sunshine that shines over the world on a cloudless day; may it never end.
- I wish you a happy new year of writing, and may all your dreams of becoming a published author come true.
- May your pen keep on writing and keep inspiring us with tales of wonder and adventure. You are the best writer I have ever seen.
- May your books are bestsellers on Amazon, and you will have a wonderful new year.
- May you continue writing for years to come and continue your journey towards making your dreams come true.
- You inspire me to keep going when I get discouraged. You are a great writer as well as a wonderful friend, happy new year to you.
- You are appreciated for your talent, may your words never stop connecting with the hearts of others.
- Happy new year my friend, may you continue to write and let praises be sung of your own words.
- May the words flow like dandelion pollen on a spring morning. Happy new year to you.
- May your passion for writing never be extinguished, but continue to grow brighter and brighter.
- You may be new to the writing community, but I wish you all the best in making your career a smashing success.
- I hope you’ll share your love of words and of your stories with us at every opportunity. You are an inspiration to all of us, happy new year.
- I hope you continue to inspire more people with your own books, and more stories. Keep writing in the new year, you are the best writer on this website.

- You are more than a friend, you are a mentor of life who has taught me many things. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything. Happy new year to you.
- May your next book be filled with happy endings. Happy new year my friend!
- You are a wonderful writer who has inspired me to write more. I hope you keep inspiring people with your beautiful stories.
- Keep writing, you inspire us all. Happy new year friend, on this website you are one of our best authors.
- Every day may you find new inspiration to write about. I wish you a happy new year of writing and a lot of inspiration.
- May your writing bring stories to life, and your readers to happiness. Happy new year my friend.
- You can achieve anything you put your mind to, happy new year to you.
- I wish you well in the coming year, and I hope that all of your writing dreams will come true.
- May this whole website continue to be full of wonderful writers just like you. Words flow like a river and inspire others with your imagination. Happy new year!
- Your words have given me hope when my life was falling apart. You have been a big help in my life, and I appreciate it. Happy new year to you!
- May you finish writing your next book before the year is over. May the book will be a bestseller.
Literary New year wishes for writers
- Happy new year, may the words flow smoothly out of your pen/keyboard in a torrent of creativity.
- May your words be as smooth as the flow of water over-sand. May you never lose touch with your muse.
- For my writer friends, may all of your words be as smooth as they can possibly be. May they flow with grace and wonder. May you never lose the spontaneity of the written word.
- I wish my best friend the best of luck this year. May none of your words be ever forced or boring. May your writing be full of wonder and magic. Happy new year.

- May your words ring out like the chiming of bells. May your writing be that of the finest poetry.
- Happy new year. May all of your words be like the finest wine. May they flow like the song of your heart.
- I wish all of my writer friends a new year full of inspiration. May you never lose the inspiration that draws the world from the keyboard.
- Happy new year, may your words never resort to cliché. May you find new and exciting ways to convey your words in readers’ minds.
- May none of your words ever come out dull or be forced. May you find the words in your heart and in your soul. Happy new year!
- Happy new year, may your words flow freely and freely into readers’ minds.
- May your heart and your soul inform every word you ever put to the page. Let your words come from the most secret place in your heart and soul.
- May you delight the world with every single word in your story.
- May your words find their way into the hearts of readers.
Having a writer friend is like having a guardian angel. We hope the above New Year Wishes For Writers can bring you some inspiration. Let us know if you found our page helpful in the comment section.